Friday, 9 October 2015

Basics of Lightning App Builder

Now anyone can build app faster using Lightning. I am a big fan of lightning components, they make life easy for the admins. I learned allot using trailhead, so sharing it.

Lightning Pages are the underlying technology for the Lightning App Builder. It is a custom layout that lets you design specific pages in Salesforce1. It is composed of regions that contain components.
You can choose the templates while creating the page , which also controls the lightning page on a given devices.

The Lightning App Builder User Interface

The Lightning App Builder's User interface makes creating app pages for Salesforce1 easy.Here's the parts of the tool:

Header (1)
The header shows you the label of your Lightning Page. It also gives you the opportunity to return to Setup without saving or to view additional help for the Lightning App Builder.

Toolbar (2)
Use the buttons in the toolbar to cut, copy, and paste page content; and to undo , redo , save, or activate your Lightning Page. You can also view your page in different formats and adjust the canvas size to fit your view.

Lightning Components Pane (3)
The components pane contains all standard and custom Lightning components that are supported for your Lightning Page. Click and drag a component to add it to the page.

Lightning Page Canvas (4)
The canvas area is where you build your page. You can drag components to reorder them on the page. If a component has missing or invalid properties, you see an invalid component indicator.

Properties Pane (5)
Depending on what you select on the page, the properties pane shows either the overall page properties or the properties of the component that you’ve selected. 

 thanks, hope it helps!!                                                                            

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